Down to you  

Posted by: Unknown

Paramore-I Caught Myself
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Down to you
You're pushing and pulling me down to you
But I dont know what I
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that I should have never thought
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that I should have never thought of you, of you

You're pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don't know what I want
No I don't know what I want

You got it, you got it
Some kind of magic
Hypnotic, hypnotic
You're leaving me breathless
I hate this, I hate this
You're not the one I believe in
With God as my witness

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that I should have never thought
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that I should have never thought of you, of you

You're pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don't know what I want
No I don't know what I want

Don't know what I want
But I know it's not you
Keep pushing and pulling me down
But I know in my heart it's not you

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that I should have never thought
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that I should have never thought of you
I knew, I know in my heart ït's not you
I knew, But now I know what I want, I want, I want
Oh no, I should have never thought.

Dar timpul este un trecut continuu.  

Posted by: Unknown

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" stau cu o imensitate de lucruri aruncate prin dezordinea creioaneor pe birou cu gandul ca pot sa imaginez un chip vesel pe care sa il desenez pe foaie.Si niciun chip vesel.Niciun gand frumos.Ma uit la doi soldatei de fier pe care i-am primit si care joaca rol de agrafe si i-am rugat frumos sa fie soldateii mei in seara asta.Macar in seara asta;si sa se lupte ei in locul meu.Si sa ii faca inimii cadou scutul lor si sa ma apere timpului.Si sa ii spuna sufletului ca noua petitie a regelui spune ca trebuie sa fiu fericita.Pentru ca toata lumea trebuie sa fie fericita si de ce sa nu fiu si eu.Dar ma uit la soldatei si vad ca nu schiteaza nimic.Sunt doi soldatei de fier.Nu sunt nici vii si nici morti.Ce sa stie ei despre iubire?Ce sa stie ei despre dor?.Si o tornada de ganduri care nu au nicio logica,totusi care nu imi dau pace.Am de invatat,dar nu o sa fac asta..poate maine.Imi e somn,dar nu pot sa dorm pentru ca am baut prea multa Cola; nici fabrica sa de fericire nu ma ajuta prea mult.O safisfactie de secunda cand auzi sfaraitul bulelor de gaz.Apoi la ce ma gandesc?
Ma gandesc ca imi e dor de tot.De camera mea si de lucrurile pe care le aveam acum 2 ani in ea.Amintirile din poze pe care acum le-am schimbat cu altele noi,peretii care erau altfel catelusa mea,prietena mea cea mai buna,care acum nu mai este.Si nu mai esti tu,si nu mai este nici ea.Si imi e dor de amandoi.Si as vrea sa mi-o aduci inapoi,pentru ca numai pe ea o aveam si numai din cauza ei radeam de cel putin o mie de ori pe zi.Iar acum ce fac?Ma plimb langa lac si ma duc la copacul unde doarme,si stau langa ea si nici macar nu o mai pot lua in brate.Si nici macar nu stiu daca este bine.Sau daca si ei ii e dor de mine.Dar stiu sigur ca e singura.Si nu i-a placut niciodata sa fie singura pentru ca plangea mititica cand plecam si se bucura atata cand ma vedea inapoi.
...cand imi invatam sau cand scriam si nu ii dadeam atentie mi se impiedica printre picioare si voia in brate.Asa ca o asezam pe picioare sau pe acelasi birou unde acum e atata dezordine.Si statea linistita si ma lasa sa invat.Si imi dadea cu labuta peste mana sa o mangai.Si imi linistea sufletelul sa o simt ca voia sa fie langa mine.Iar cand eram suparata mi se aseza pe piept ca sa nu ma mai doara inimioara.Si cand dormeam mi se ghemuia langa mine ca o surioara mai mica.Iar cand a murit,mi-a murit in brate,si m-a ucis si pe mine...
Te iubesc Ladytzu si mi-e tare dor de tine,oriunde ai fi!

Somn usor puiul meu!

that man is mine  

Posted by: Unknown


Album : Woman To Woman

Shirley Brown - 1974

Also recorded by : Marie Baines; Jewell.


May I speak to Barbara

Barbara, this is Shirley

Now you might not know who I am

But the reason I'm callin' you is because

I was goin' through my old man's pockets this morning

And I just happened to find your name and number

So woman to woman

I don't think it's bein' any more than fair than to call you

And let you know where I'm comin' from

Now Barbara, I don't know how you're gonna take this

But whether you be cool or come out of a bag on me

You see, it really doesn't make any difference

But it's only fair that I let you know

That the man you're in love with, he's mine

From the top of his head to the bottom of his feet

The bed he sleeps in, and every piece of food he eats

You see, I make it possible

The clothes on his back, ha-ha, I bought him

The car he drives, I pay the note every month

So I'm tellin' you these things to let you know how much I love that


And woman to woman I think you'll understand just how much I'll do

to keep him

Woman to woman

If you've ever been in love

Then you'd know

How I feel

And woman to woman

Now if you were in my shoes

Wouldn't you have done

The same thing too

Whoa, woman to woman

Can't you see where I'm comin' from

And woman to woman

Ain't that the same thing you would have done

Woman to woman

Now should I just step aside

And let her take

What's rightfully mine

Whoa, woman to woman

Was I right or was I wrong

And I ain't gon' let you

Break up my happy home

Now woman to woman

Now you see I don't want no trouble now

I hope you understand

I love that man and he's mine

I'm talkin' to you woman to woman

You should be woman enough to understand

That man

I love that man

Woman, woman, woman to woman

He's mine

And I ain't gon' give him up

No, baby, and I ain't lyin'

The best of my years went into that man